

PURE KERATIN on 7th Jun 2020

The growth of hair in a human body follows a specific cycle.

Each hair follicle is independent, and grows in a unique way, and may follow a completely different phase, at any given time than the other.

A hair on a human body could follow a similar growth trend as the other hair on the head, but if you look at a human head, there are probably in excess of 100,000 hair, or perhaps even more.

Each of these hairs grows and completes a certain cycle, and then falls away.

Imagine if each of the hair on a human head had followed the same cycle, then everyone would have remained bald till the start of the next cycle.

Fortunately, humans always have some hair on their head, while other hairs simply fall and enter the new cycle.

One of the most important aspects of hair cycle growth is the continuity of hair cycle, till permanent baldness occurs, and each hair is set to follow the hair cycle.

Three Phases Of Hair Growth Cycle

The growth of hair is divided into three phases. Each of the three phases is unique and follows a definite trend.

Here are the three phases of hair cycle growth.

1) Anagen Phase

Anagen phase is considered as a very active phase, as the phase witness extreme hair growth.

You would notice lots of proteins and keratin are produced continuously.

The formation of proteins and keratin leads to active hair growth.

Lesser production of proteins and keratin would reduce the growth of hair, which explains less hair on some head.

Anagen phase is a very long phase, and you could see the phase lasts for 5 years on the trot. The hair during this period could grow as long as 1 meter.

The average growth of hair in the Anagen phase is 10cm per year.

The most striking feature of Anagen phase is the formation of hair shaft and its vertical growth.

Significantly, Anagen phase is predominant on most of the hair follicle on the head in the corresponding period.

2) Catagen Phase

Catagen phase is known as the transitional phase of hair follicles.

The phase starts at the end of Anagen phase.

Catagen phase could also be termed as a retarding phase, as hair follicle shrinks from its original length, and the lower half of hair follicle breaks down.

The phase lasts around couple of weeks, or probably a little less.

You would also find sudden structural and scientific changes to hair follicles during this period. There is a steep fall in activity, as hair tries to settle down.

3) Telogen Phase

Telogen phase is the final phase in the growth cycle of a hair.

It is also known as the resting phase, as the hair settles down and wait for its turn to re-enter the Anagen phase.

Telogen phase continues for 5-6 weeks, or may be more in some cases. The hair is dormant during this period, and simply lies on the head, with no activity.

As the phase nears its end, the hair falls and enters the Anagen phase, which is the growing phase of hair cycle.

Thus the hair growth cycle continues and hair shaft is manufactured again, and the cycle goes on, till it completes the final phase.

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