

5 WINTER HAIR CARE TIPS:  Now that the winter is here

5 WINTER HAIR CARE TIPS: Now that the winter is here

PURE KERATIN on 22nd Dec 2020

Now that the winter is here, we need to give some extra love to our hair. Your hair condition in winter differs a lot from the summer months. Consequently, a winter hair care routine will be different … read more
HOW TO SELECT A SHAMPOO BAR? The Shampoo bar has many benefi

HOW TO SELECT A SHAMPOO BAR? The Shampoo bar has many benefi

PURE KERATIN on 20th Jun 2019

The Shampoo bar has many benefits. Choosing this format is part of a zero-waste beauty approach. Sensitive to consumers’ awareness, some brands offer recycled and/or recyclable bottles, but this is no … read more