

PURE KERATIN on 28th May 2021


Hair will never get thicker from simply washing your hair with shampoo, conditioner or conditioner.

Growing thick hair is no easy task. But those who really really want to have thick hair, then they will succeed. After all, if you want or desire something very much, then you will definitely have it. As they say, there would be a desire.

First of all, you need to tune in to a positive mood. Try to be less nervous, avoid conflicts, stress. Emotional stress leads to hair problems. They fade, dry, fall out. In a word, weaken. Of course, hair gets better and thicker if everything is working out and the stress is gone, but hair problems will continue for several months even after the source of the stressful situation disappears. The main thing in this situation is patience and hair care.

Every woman should eat right, be less nervous and worried, get enough sleep. After all, healthy and proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle is the key to beautiful hair, face and figure. Health status depends on the amount of minerals in the body. A woman is happy, smiles often, enjoys life, loves herself.

Well, if a woman eats poorly and monotonously, sleeps little and rarely, often finds herself in negative situations and gets stressed, then she will have to face certain problems in her appearance. The quantity and quality of hair plays a huge role here.

Lack of B vitamins, vitamin C, A and E. If a woman's body receives little protein, then the hair thinns, falls out, grows dull, weakens, etc.

The menu of a woman who dreams of having healthy hair should include: fish, cottage cheese, meat, eggs, milk and cheese. But dull and weak hair can be a problem not only due to a lack of any vitamin or element, there may be a violation of its metabolism in your body. Everyone knows perfectly well that damp or wet hair should not be combed. Styling, ironing, curling iron will also have a negative effect on already damaged hair. This will also lead to the loss of healthy hair. Pigtails and ponytails, hair extensions, perms, and dreadlocks impair blood circulation to the scalp.

Hair follicles will grow faster if you try not to do all of this. The less you use a hot hair dryer, the better.

Drink a lot of juices, compotes, teas, jelly, water, in a word, liquid. But you need to drink not in one fell swoop, as they say, but a little bit so that every sip brings joy to you and your hair. After all, from a large amount of water in the body, the hair becomes moisturized and elastic. Beautiful and well-groomed hair is the result of careful attention to it.

Hair Needs Nourishment

All masks need to be kept for one and a half or two hours. Apply the mixture to the entire length of the hair, paying special attention to the scalp, cover with a film or plastic bag, and a towel on top. You need to continue treatment for at least three months. Then give the hair a rest for a month and continue the treatment again for three months.

Treating Split Ends With Hair Masks

Every woman wants to be beautiful. Healthy and well-groomed hair has always been considered her main decoration. With such hair, a woman always looks great. Unfortunately, there are so many hair problems.

One of the most common hair problems is split ends. This most often occurs on long hair that requires careful and attentive care. It is necessary to lubricate the ends with oil or a special serum as often as possible, as if nourishing them. And then you will not need to trim them once or twice a month.

If we try to touch our hair as little and as little as possible, using irons, curling irons, curlers, elastic bands, hairpins, then there will be much less split ends and brittle ends of the hair. From our parents we get the density, color, early gray hair, brittle and dry hair. There's nothing you can do about it you can only properly monitor and care for your hair. If our body lacks vitamins and elements, then the hair will begin to "ache".

For healthy hair, you just need to eat right and give up bad habits. But healthy and proper food should not only be present, but also assimilated in our body.

Oils for Repairing Split Ends

Regular use of oils will help get rid of split ends. Coconut, almond, burdock, peach, castor, linseed oil will perfectly help you with this.

You need to apply any oil to your taste and choice, heated in a microwave oven, over the entire length of the hair, not forgetting, of course, about the ends. Wrap with cling film, towel on top for two hours.

If blood circulation in your body is impaired, the scalp will not be supplied with oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, it is so important to massage the scalp before and after applying the mask. Only then will it begin to act fully for the best result.

You need to do this mask for three months once a week. In addition to such a mask, after shampooing, you need to regularly apply an indelible hair serum, which will deeply restore the hair structure. Serum not only relieves the symptom, but treats the cause of split ends. You can buy it in the store.

After these simple procedures, your hair will delight you with shine and shine. Kefir masks are very good at helping with split ends. Only apply them to clean, dry hair and keep under a plastic bag and towel for thirty or forty minutes. The beneficial substances in its composition restore and improve the hair structure. Unfortunately, kefir masks contribute to the rapid contamination of the hair, after such masks the hair gets dirty quickly. But this is the only drawback.

Mask recipes for split ends

  • Add yolk and burdock oil to warm warmed up fatty kefir.
  • Add cognac, liquid warm honey to kefir.
  • Mustard powder, nettle decoction, mix two yolks with half a glass of kefir.
  • It is these kefir masks that will help you get rid of dry, brittle, split ends. They will strengthen and speed up your hair growth.