3 TYPES OF OMBRE HAIR COLOR: Ombre Hair Can Look Good

3 TYPES OF OMBRE HAIR COLOR: Ombre Hair Can Look Good

PURE KERATIN on 28th Jan 2020

Ombre Hair Can Look Good On Any Hair – Short or Long!

Ombre short hair can give your hair a natural look, like your hair was tanned that way if you choose to dye them from dark to light. But don’t think just inside the box – an ombre can be in several different colors! Imagine a green ombre hair, pink ombre or red ombre; the ombre can be literally any kind of hairstyle that you can think of.

You can go for the natural look, having your hair dyed only a few shades lighter or darker compared to your natural tone.

For long hair, there’s no limits to what you can create.

But what if you’re not sure if you want to dye your hair in the ombre hair style?

One of the most popular types of temporary ombres is the chalk ombres – you can use chalks to temporaryly dye your hair colorful. The fun fact about this option is that you can also try other hairstyles, like doing colorful highlights or dye your hair all over in rainbow colors!

One thing to watch out for is where you want your ombre to start. You can go close to the roots, but that way it will look a bit funny. The best result is when you stay within 10 inches from the tips of the hair, again depending on how long your hair are.

With short hair 10 inches is basically at the roots, so you really have to stand in front of a mirror and really look and remember where you want the ombre hair to start.

When you’re dyeing them by yourself, don’t feel scared about making them look uneven. If you look up some photos of ombre hair, you’ll notice that a lot of them aren’t even, not even close.

Some highlights run up higher, some lower. This again gives it some sort of a natural look, making it appear as they were bleached by the sun while you had them tied up, rather than dyed.

If you decide to go to the salon to have them done it will look much more even than when done at home. If you buy ombre hair extensions then you’ll notice that they’re everything but even as well.

The last thing we want to mention in this post is a word about bleaching.

When you have darker hair and decide to bleach them lighter on the ends, purchase some good old coconut oil beforehand. The bleach is bound to suck up all the moisture from the tips of the hair, drying them out badly and making them so frizzy that you’ll want to chop them off right after dyeing.

To avoid this, soak your hair in coconut oil the night before. Wash it out, dye your hair, and then once more give them a coconut oil treatment. By doing this, your beautiful ombre hair will be revitalized and brought back to life.

The coconut oil locks in moisture and repairs some of the broken hair. To get better results, keep using oils like argan oil on the freshly dyed ombre hair daily, and be sure to use a heat protection spray before styling.

It has been years that coloring hair is such a thing for a woman. No wonder now there are so many ideas spread in internet ranging from the style or hairdo till the color combination that is mind blowing. Many reasons behind the trending of having stylish on hair that come up from trendsetting made by celebrities become a good thing to prove that hair styling is still important for looking.

We still remember how Emma Watson makes short hair becomes one of the styles that are interesting to be tried by teenagers. Some of them believe that short hair is not kind of young style that should not be representing the young style.

1) RED

Now it has been totally different since every kind of style seems to be great for everyone no matter how they are young or adult. It depends on confidence brought by them.

One of leading and trending style is red ombre hair where it comes more glamour now with its mixture of color and style art of coloring. Many hair stylists have predicted that ombre will be a thing of next year and it proves us right because now everybody seems curious about a tutorial of this kind of style. So how to deal with it and what things should we know this style?

How To Apply Red Ombre Hair At Home?

To make red ombre hair, you need to prepare tools and materials like color, bowl and a small brush for painting your hair. You may need professional but when you need to try it in DIY mode, surely you can do it. The point of this application is its mixture of color.

Firstly, you may need to apply the dark one at the top of hair then apply the lighter color on the bottom. If you need natural color on your top, you must have dark hair like black one so no need to apply dark color but when you are drooling to have a different color, make sure that you always choose a darker color on top since it will influence the effect of certain looks.

It will fail when you randomly choose color since the main tool of this working hair is coloring. That is why we recommend to always making sure that you choose the dark color for top of hair to get the special and maximum effect of red ombre hair.

Red Ombre Hair Ideas

To make a fading effect, you may need also to make the transition to the area through roughing up. To rough up, you just need simple skill. When you are not confident to do, you can look up it from the Internet or another video social media that might help you well you keep your work good and charming.

Does Red Ombre Hair Damage Your Hair ?

One thing we should know by doing ombre is its damage. We all know that every coloring has a risk but it all depends on how we deal with it. Most of all, this can make a difference in our hair look. Your work may not last longer than you expect. Some of them are hard to make it last long since every hair has different character too so you don’t need to worry because every hairdo has its own bad things. It also happens to red ombre hair. Besides that, you need to see what its looks might give you good looking once we applied this style.

Generally, this style can be longer than 2 months and it depends on how we treat the colored hair. Some of them may not be that careful about this treatment but when you wish you need to stay long with that style, make sure that you have known about the rule on ways to prevent and face the damage.


Who does not want to be the center of attention? It feels like being a Hollywood girl walking on the red carpet. The combination of flawless makeup and chic fashion is unbeatable. Boys admire you while the other girls envy you. However, there is something missing here. Yes, it is your hair. Let’s add a twist to your hair.

Brown Ombre Hair Colour is just perfect for you. It creates the feminine but edgy look. You will love it to the moon and back. It is not difficult to have this style since you do not have to dye your whole hair. Here are some useful tips for you.

Pick the Best Color : Brown Ombre Hair Color Combinations.

Brown ombre hair comes with amazing variations. It starts with the classy look to out of the box combination. You have plenty ideas for choosing your own style.

Caramel brown ombre hair

The first combination is brown and caramel. It gives you the soft and feminine look. The transition is not extreme and you still have the lovely surprise.

Ombre hair color brown to blonde

Next, you have dark brown and honey-blonde. The dark brown as the base gives bold hairstyle. Meanwhile, you can create the contrast by adding the honey-blonde in the middle to the end of your hair. This one creates a more polished look for you.

Ombre hair color brown to red

Now, we move to something bold. Why do not you try brown ombre hair with a red accent? Well, you might think that brown to red hair is not as common as the other ombre looks. It is totally wrong. This one brings the mysterious and sexy vibe to the owner. The combination of dark brown at the base and red accents from the middle to the end of your hair is just perfect. You are such a bombshell with this style.

Reverse brown ombre hair

Next, it is time to have fun with reverse brown ombre. Use light brown as the base and finish it with espresso brown. This playful look brings ombre hair to the next level.

How to get Brown Ombre Hair?

Basically, you have two options.

A) How to do brown ombre at home?

First, you can do it yourself at home. It means you need to prepare the equipment and the hair dye.

B) Ombre hair dye at salon.

Next, you can get it at the hair salon. When you decide to go to the salon, there are some things to consider. At first, you need to know the best place to do ombre. Do not go to a random place and let them do your hair. Oh no, baby. It is such an outrageous way to get the ombre. Take it easy and browsing or asking. Yes, get some information about the best hair salon in your town. Ask some recommendation from your friends. Look at the results of each place and you will see who do it the best.

How much does ombre hair cost at the salon?

Next, you need to know the cost of having brown ombre hair. If you have an unlimited budget it does not matter. You can have anything you want. However, it would be different if you have a limited budget. You do not want to create a large hole in your pocket, right? Therefore, it is better for you to find some information about the cost. Put in your mind that haircuts and color job by the master hairstylist are the most expensive. You should be careful. Find the one that gives beautiful ombre look without damaging your bank account.

How to ask for ombre hair color at the salon ?

After choosing the hair salon and the stylist, it is the right time to get brown ombre hair. Do not forget to bring the example of ombre hair. You can take it from several sources. It can be from the magazines or on the Internet. Or, you can save the picture of your muse on your phone. When you meet the hairstylist, show the picture and tell the details. Just explain what you want and discuss it with the hairstylist. What do you think? It is as simple as that.


One of the best hair trend to follow is black ombre hair. This one is perfect for girls with dark hair.

Black Ombre Hair Color Ideas

There are some aspects to consider before following black ombre hair.

At first, you need to choose the best color. There are numerous colors out there. Surely, it is easy for you to combine it with your black hair.

Here are some ideas to spice up your hair.

A) Black ombre hair brown

Let’s start with brown. If you want to look sassy and classy at the same time, this color is perfect for you. It is soft enough but it gives the spark to your dark hair.

B) Black ombre hair blonde

Next, the combination of black and blonde is marvelous. Steal the attention with your signature ombre locks.

C) Black ombre purple hair

When you want to create a quirky look, you can opt purple. Yes, why not? Look at Katy Perry. She adds the purple tone to her black hair and we love it, right?

Be brave and take this beautiful color.

D) Black hair ombre red

The red color is also a great match for black tresses. Use it and show the seduction side of you.

E) Black hair ombre pink

Do you want to create a cute and feminine look? You would never go wrong with light blue shade and playful pink. These colors absolutely represent girlie look.

Do you need more ideas for black ombre hair? You do not have to worry, there is plenty inspiration for you.

How To Do Ombre Hair At Home ?

You do not have to go to the salon. It is easy to create black ombre hair at home. At first, you need to prepare the equipment such as comb, elastic band, gloves, hair dye and bleach.

Next, it is better for you to use your old shirt, just in case you drop the hair dye on your shirt. Now, you need to comb your hair and free it from any tangles and knots.

After that, divide your hair into 5 sections. Use elastic band to split your hair half-and-half.

Now you can bleach your hair. Apply the bleach to the bottom part of your hair and work it up to the desired fade line.

Take your time in making the black ombre hair. Make sure that you apply the bleach evenly to the both side of your hair. You do not have to hurry. You want a perfect result, right?

Coat all the strands with the lightening product.

Now you need to let the bleach set. It takes 10 to 45 minutes, depend on how light you want your hair to be.

For a slight change, leave the bleach in 10-20 minutes. For a lighter change, leave it 45 minutes. After that, you should wash the bleached area and dry your hair.

The last step in creating black ombre hair is coloring. Separate your hair once more and use the elastic band to tie the ends. Pick the best color and mix the hair dye well. Apply the hair dye to the bleached hair. Make sure you coat all your hair properly. Inspect your hair and apply the dye to the untouched parts. Wait for 30 minutes and let the color set. After that, wash your hair and use conditioner.

Dry your hair and you ready to steal the attention with your black ombre hair.


Nowadays, there are so many trends in front of us. It starts from fashion to hairdo and makeup. Of course, it is not a sin to try one of it. You have plenty ideas to enhance your look. Find the one that suits you and leave those that make you look silly. It is easy to transform your look. Just change the color of your hair. Definitely, you will steal the attention effortlessly. In addition, you will not create a large hole in your wallet. It is more affordable than taking a plastic surgery or using Botox.

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