8 HAIR MASKS FOR HAIR CARE: Hair masks are for those people

8 HAIR MASKS FOR HAIR CARE: Hair masks are for those people

PURE KERATIN on 13th Mar 2020

Hair masks are for those people who put on to take proper and natural care of their hair.

They should rather go for a homemade hair mask as these do not have side effects. So, if yoàu like to, you should try some of this exotic homemade hair masks at home.

A) Burdock Oil Hair Mask

This oil is made from burdock roots, available at any pharmacy, and can be used in pure form, for example, for the preparation of a variety of masks.

With burdock oil there are many recipes for masks. Before using them you’ll need to check whether you have any contraindications to their use.

1) Basic Burdock Oil Hair Mask

Before applying the oil, it must be slightly warmed up. Next, rub the solution into the hair roots. Then wrap the head with polyethylene and wrap it on top with a terry towel.

You can have the burdock mask for hair during one hour, after that hair needs to be washed with shampoo.

Mustard, yolk, onion, pepper tincture, cognac, honey can be added to the mask if desired. These ingredients will enhance the result of burdock hair masks. For that reason, we have selected a couple of popular recipes, the basis of which is burdock oil.

2) Hair Mask With Burdock Oil and Honey

The mask includes: 1 tbsp. l burdock oil, one tsp honey.

After these ingredients are thoroughly mixed, you have to slowly apply to the scalp with smooth movements. Wash off the mixture with warm water after one hour. The effect of this burdock mask : you will notice an accelerating hair growth.

3) Mask With Pepper And Burdock Oil

For cooking, you will need to mix the same shares of castor and burdock oils, as well as pepper tincture. The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the roots of the head and after an hour rinse thoroughly with warm water.

4) Burdock Oil Mask With Nettles

Brew 2 tablespoons of nettle in boiling water, then cool and strain the broth. Take one hundred milliliters of infusion and mix with 1 tbsp. l burdock oil.

The course of hair treatment must be carried out for 1 month (2 times a week). 

B) Gray Hair Mask

Did you notice gray hair? Do not be depressed! It is impossible to get rid of it, but it is possible to suspend it.

On the market, manufacturers offer a variety of medications that “heal” your hair. That’s a good alternatie. However, we advise you to use too folk remedies, namely gray hair masks, used for centuries.

5) Castor Oil For Gray Hair

Which mask to choose? Do you know anything about castor oil? Every girl should have it. Castor oil-based masks for gray hair restore hair color very well. Another plus of castor oil is strengthening and combating hair loss.

Apply oil to the hair roots. We put cellophane on top, and wrap a terry towel on top of our head. Then wait 1 hour to get the best effect. Rinse your hair with warm water.

For a gray hair mask we use figs and Kalanchoe juice. Take a couple of leaves of the plant and the flesh of figs (the first is enough, we don’t throw out the peel). The resulting slurry is applied to the strands. The mask revitalizes the hairs, gives them shine and strength.

6) Onion Mask Against Gray Hair

We need juice of 1 onion. Mix it with two tsp. honey. Then add two tsp. olive oil and 2 tablespoons of shampoo. Apply the mask on the head and hold for 20 minutes. After this time, rinse your hair with warm water.

7) Garlic or Onion Gray Hair Mask

Squeeze the juice from the garlic (onion). Then gently apply to the hair roots. We put cellophane on top and a thick towel on top.

Be careful when applying the mask. The smell of garlic or onion is hard to take out with good clothes. He eats heavily into the tissue. If your hair is dry, we recommend adding a couple of spoons of burdock oil.

You should keep the garlic mask for half an hour. Next, wash our heads with warm water.

At home, not only masks are prepared, but also lotions for hair. Their effectiveness against gray hairs has been proven and tested by many women.

Pour a liter of water into the pan. Add 3 tablespoons of finely chopped burdock root. Mix everything well and put on a slow fire. It is necessary to boil until half of the filled (500 ml.) Remains in the pan. Then add 2 tsp. dill seeds.

Cook for 10 minutes and set in a dark place for 3 hours. The mixture should be infused. This lotion must be applied to the scalp 2 times a day (morning and evening).

8) Nettle Anti-gray Hair Lotion

To prepare the lotion, you need a tablespoon of dry, crushed nettle leaves. Place them in a container and pour 1 cup boiling water. Let it brew for an hour. The resulting mixture is applied both to the hair roots and to the entire length of the curl.


There are many other recipes for masks and lotions for gray hair. We’ve tried to describe proven and popular masks for gray hair made from healthy natural ingredients.

They will make the strands beautiful, shiny and strong. All recipes are for informational purposes only, before using please consult your doctor if you can use one or another component.

The mask is not a panacea, but only an external concern. Do not forget about internal health. Eat right, take vitamins and everything will be fine with you.

All masks presented above are checked by many users.

These can be easily prepared at home, using ingredients purchased in the nearest store.

The main thing is you will definitely have know the composition of the mask and not doubt the harmfulness of the individual components.

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