5 WAYS TO CURL YOUR HAIR: Curly hair for women is very popu

5 WAYS TO CURL YOUR HAIR: Curly hair for women is very popu

PURE KERATIN on 11th May 2020

Curly hair for women is very popular because it can provide an elegant yet a sweet looking appearance. It was admired by many for years and until today, curly hair is very famous especially for celebrities.

If you have natural wavy or curly hair, then you are blessed. Now is your moment to shine and flaunt your natural curly hair. You still need to visit your favorite salon to fix your hair and give it a nice cut.

There are people who are blessed to have natural curly hair but they still want to have nice and stylish curly hair.

If you are one of them, don’t fret because there is nothing impossible with the advent of technology. There are lots of hairstyling aids you can use to achieve the curl you want. You can now experience perfect curl which looks very natural.

Even if you have straight hair, you are still blessed with the wide array of technology you can use to achieve the curl you want. Check below!

4 Popular Methods To Curl The Hair

1) How To Curl Hair With Curlers

You can also get curly hair by using curlers.

Curling your hair with curlers, it not a high-tech method, is more likely an “old school” method of curling but is still one of the most effective and natural way to obtain curls from a straight hair.

Here are the steps you should follow to obtain curls with curlers:

Step 1

The first thing to do is to choose the types of rollers you want to use. These are chosen according to the kinds of loops we want to make. Large curlers give looser curls and the small curlers give tighter curls. For defined curls and a damaged hair I suggest you to use plastic rollers.

Step 2

The next thing you must do to make your work of catching curlers in the hair easier , is to put all the curlers in front of you on a plate or on something where they can stand and you can reach them easily. Make sure that near the curlers you have prepared some bobby pins with which you will catch them in place.

Step 3

Is time now to go to the step where you need to wash your hair. After you do this, tampon your hair with a towel, but be careful not to dry it. Damp hair folds best on curlers , so be careful not to dry the hair. After you did the process of tamponating, you should apply on your hair some mousse or gel (this process will help keep your curls longer).

Step 4

Preferably for this step is to take a comb with which you divide the hair in strands, which thereafter you will roll them on the curlers.

Step 5

Now it’s time to roll the strands on the curlers. Take a curler and place it on top layer of hair, after which you start to roll the strand and the curler together up to the scalp. After you did that, grab your rollers with bobby pins so they will not unfold.

Repeat this process for every hair strand that you prepared for curling.

Step 6

If you want to sleep with the curlers on the head, you should cover them with a hairnet. Remember that to unfold the curlers from the strands is necessary to stay with it on the hair for few hours.

When you choose to unfold the curlers from the strands, be careful to see if the hair is completely dried and to take off every bobby pin and curler gently from the hair. You don’t want to ruin a 3-4-5 hour work in a second of negligence.

Step 7

If you want to loose a little the curls you can comb your hair with your fingers very gently, in a way that you will not ruin their form.

This method is not recommended for women which looks to make fast curls.

2) How To Curl Hair With A Straightener

If you don’t know how to curl your hair with a straightener i assure that you are in the right place. Once you will learn the technique of making curls with the help of a hair straightener, you will be able to make various hair looks that will change your appearance.

If you learn to use the straightener properly your hair will not be harmed and will not be damaged.

Ideal is to have a hair straightener that is very narrow (approx. 3 centimeters) in order to be able to get closer to the hair roots.

Also, the best acquisition is a ceramic straightener because it will heat better than a normal one and so you will only have to use it for one time on the strands instead of several times (with a normal one) to do the same job.

Here are the 5 steps for you to follow to get your hair curly with a hair straightener :

Step 1

The operation starts on a freshly washed hair, yet wet. Before drying your hair, apply a lotion that defines and gives glow for a curly hair. Blow-dry it until the lotion is almost dry and has entered in the hair .

Step 2

Divide your hair into five sections: one in front and the rest sections all around the head . The more you split it in fewer sections, the easier the braiding action will be. Then rotate each section of hair into a round shape. You can also use rollers, but put them together with paper clips.

Step 3

Keep your hair like that either up all night or several hours, then release it and shake it up a bit. You will see it is already slightly curly.

Step 4

For loops: Divide your hair into several sections and begin the operation of hair curling by gently catching with the straightener from base of hair strand close to scalp.

Step 5

Once that you’ve got strand with the hair straightener, you must rotate the strand along the straightener. During this operation remove little by little the plate until it reaches the end of the strand.

The more slowly you remove the straightener from the strand, the more curled your hair will get . You can apply a protective spray to create a protective barrier for the hair strand against the heat from the straightener

The advantage of curling your hair with a straightener instead of curling it with a curling iron is that you can get several types of curls from the casual ones, almost straight, to the ones that are very curved and full of volume.

The products that you use when you curl your hair will also make the difference, the technique is and will always be the same.

3) How To Curl Hair With Braids

Obtaining curls with the help of braids is not only a easy way to make curls, but making curls with this method you will eliminate the risk of degrading the hair.

Other curling methods can damage and burn your hair. Usually the form of the curls made using this method is the zig-zag.

Here are the steps you need to follow for making curls with this method:

Step 1

Wash your hair with a shampoo or with what you usually wash your hair. After you finish washing your hair, do not brush it.

Step 2

Now we can start the braiding part. Remember that the more tight the braids are the more curlier the curls will be (and viceversa). Also choose the number and how thick the braids will be, this thing also influences the form of the curls. When you start to braid, try to braid closer to the scalp, and at the end of the strand tie it with a fabric or something.

Do this process to all that remained strands.

Step 3

Let the braids dry. Braids require to dry several hours, so it’s recommended to do them in the evening, as after that you will sleep with them on.

Step 4

Now you can untie all the materials that you used to tie the braids. Don’t brush or comb your hair to disentangle the braids. “Brush” the braids gently with your fingers, and afterwards fluff your hair.

Step 5

Spray you hair with a fixative hairspray that will keep your curls form for a longer period of time.

4) How To Curl Hair With Knots

Creating waves with the help of knots maybe it’s not the latest generation way of doing hair curls, but is surely the cheapest way of doing it. For create them you only need some pieces of fabrics (or some bobby pins), a hairdryer and a fixative spray.

Step 1

The first thing you need to do is to comb the hair very well with a brush or comb.

Step 2

Now after you finished the Step 1, you need to divide your hair into strands.

Step 3

Take one of the strands of hair and divide it into two parts, after which begin to knot them. After you knot the strand, at the end of it, tie it with a material or catch it with some bobby pins to hold the knots.

Repeat this process for all the strands that you want to curl.

Step 4

Take some water and damp your hair knots.

Step 5

Now take your hairdryer and set it for a slow and warm motion. Dry the knots well and unfold them. If some knots unfold hard, don’t force them, use gently your fingers to untie them (comb the strand with the fingers, to make the knots release).

Step 6

Now after you untied the knots and your hair is curly, take a fixative spray and apply it on the curls to keep them in that form as long as possible.

How To Get Curly Hair?

Women with straight hair often wonder how to get curly hair.

Having your hair curled gives you a completely different appearance. Curls also soften the face and jaw line.

There is a wide variety of hair curling products available in the market today such as curlers, rollers and styling gels. One can also have permanent curling done. There are also some natural ways to curl the hair.

1) How to Curl Hair With A Curling Iron

The most common way of curling the hair is to use a curling iron.

Before using the iron, it is advisable to first wet the hair, scrunch it and rinse with warm water.

Then take some milk, work it into the hair and rinse. Shampoo and condition the hair as you normally would. This helps to keep the hair hydrated and soft.

If you’re looking for the perfect curling iron, give a try to our AUTOMATIC WIRELESS CERAMIC CURLING IRON HAIR WAVE

We hope that this post helped you to learn how to curl your hair and Share this post with your friends :)