19 HAIR MASKS FOR OILY HAIR: Girls with naturally oily hair

19 HAIR MASKS FOR OILY HAIR: Girls with naturally oily hair

PURE KERATIN on 30th Mar 2020

Girls with naturally oily hair cannot be envied.

In order for the strands to have a healthy and well-groomed appearance, women have to make a lot of effort. By evening, the curls seem dirty, although in the morning they were well washed.

Because of this, the owners of such hair do not allow themselves a voluminous hairstyle. Today, there are many methods, medicines and cosmetics that deal with oily seborrhea. But not all of them are effective and bring the desired result.

To get the desired result, folk remedies will help, namely a mask for oily hair.

1) Mustard Hair Mask

This mask reduces the release of sebum and promotes better blood circulation to the scalp.

To prepare a mask for oily hair with mustard, you need to dissolve the mustard (2 tablespoons) in 1 cup of warm water.

Add 1 liter of hot water to the contents. Wash your hair with this solution, then rinse thoroughly.

2) Homemade Mask With Bread For Oily Hair

This mask helps reduce the amount of sebum produced in hair follicles. Another additional plus of using this mask is that it gives hair volume. Therefore, it is recommended to use it not only for oily, but also for thin hair.

150 grams of any black bread (you can crackers) need to be crushed in a blender, then pour boiling water or infusion (you can decoction) from herbs. It is necessary to wait until the cooked mass cools down, strain the solution with gauze or sieve.

A strained broth should be applied only to the surface of the scalp, then wrap the strands with cellophane. After 30 minutes, rinse your hair.

3) Milk Hair Mask DIY

Dairy products have always been famous for their positive influence both on the entire human body, and on its individual parts.

Sour-milk products are a real find for your hair. They will ensure the smoothness and purity of healthy hair.

Pour the remaining milk into a special container and distribute it with a brush along the length of the hairline. Withstand the procedure for an hour. Then rinse your hair with warm water. The regularity of the use of this mask will make the strands strong and beautiful.

4) Dry Mustard Hair Mask

The recipe for a mustard mask for oily hair includes mustard powder. Such a composition reduces greasiness and tremendously enhances the blood circulation of the skin.

Prepare a solution: first add 2 cups of hot water to the main ingredient, mix the mixture thoroughly. Let it cool and then add 1 liter. boiled water. Wash your hair with this solution. Rinse hair thoroughly after the procedure.

5) Rye Bread Hair Mask

Grind a small amount of rye bread or crackers. Then pour boiling water or herbal decoction. Leave to cool completely. After strain the resulting mixture and apply the remaining broth on the scalp. Keep your hair warm by wrapping them in cellophane and a bath towel. Let the vitamins soak in. Relax and relax for half an hour. At the end of the procedure, rinse your hair. A bread mask helps to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and will provide extra splendor to the hair.

6) Homemade Hair Mask With Aloe Juice

The healing properties of aloe have long been known. This plant has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole. In particular, the blood flow to the scalp increases, the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases, the hair looks healthy and well-groomed.

The process of making a mask for oily hair at home is as follows: take a few aloe leaves, chop them and pour vodka (about 100 grams).

Leave in a dark place for seven days. After the tincture is ready to apply it daily. Apply it evenly to loose hair.

7) Aloe Honey Hair Mask

The use of this mask will avoid brittle hair and solve the problem with fat content.

The components of this mask are honey, aloe and banal castor oil. Aloe and castor oil are added equally, 1 tsp. each, and honey - more, 1 tbsp.

You need to mix the components and apply the composition to the hair. The procedure takes 15 minutes. Wash off the mask.

8) Lemon Hair Mask For Oily Seborrhea

A powerful remedy that fights greasy hair is a tincture of lemon. It will also add shine to the hair.

Careless use of the product can lead to negative consequences. Instead of the desired effect, you can dry the scalp.

Its preparation is elementary: freshly squeezed lemon juice is poured into a glass with vodka - and the tincture is ready. Apply daily. Additionally, you can use lemon conditioner.

To do this, take the juice of one lemon and dilute it with 500 ml. boiled water.

9) Lemon Honey Garlic Mask For Oily Hair

All components: honey, lemon, aloe juice and garlic, are taken in equal proportions.

Grind, mix and apply the ingredients on the hair. Wrap your head in a plastic bag and wrap a towel. Keep 1/2 h.

After time, rinse with warm water. To eliminate the garlic odor, you should use a mustard solution.

10) Egg Mask For Hair With Seborrhea

This mask will reduce the amount of sebum released.

The main components of the above mask are: raw egg yolk, cognac and plain water.

The last components are taken in a proportion of one to one (1 tsp each).

You mix everything thoroughly and apply to the hair roots. After 15-20 minutes, wash my head with ordinary shampoo.

To be continued.... 19 HAIR MASKS FOR OILY HAIR (Part II).